In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses face the dual challenge of staying ahead in their respective industries while also having to grow.

I've learned to manage the complex dance between growing too fast and going too slow.

As your Fractional CTO, I help you customize your technical team growth to match your time, financial, regulatory and human constrains.

  • Measure your need: We work together to understand why, how and when your technical team need to grow.
  • Your tech agency lawyer: If we choose to do so, I represent you in all negotiation and delivery of the service agency we picked.
  • Improve the pipeline: I help you adjust your technical recruiting pipeline, retention program and systems so that you can get to the pace you need
  • Share the culture: I help you make visible and publicize your current team's strength to attract more and better talent
  • Get more credits: We get you all the help from the cloud providers, your startup ecosystem and governments' levels
  • Healthy growth: I teach you how to onboard and retain at scale, in an efficient and human way
  • Scale internal leadership: I identify internal leaders that are on the path to promotion and coach them into their future responsibilities

What we do and Focus on

  • Initial Assessment and Consultation (FREE): I analyze your current of the existing technical team's skills, tools, and processes.
  • Customized Strategy Development: Based on the initial assessment, I develop a customized team growth strategy.
  • Implementing Best Practices: If needed, I introduce industry best practices in software development, project management, and other relevant areas, working closely with the current technical team and ensuring their buy-in.
  • Advanced Technical Training: If needed, I provide in-depth training in the latest technologies and trends, ensuring that leaders are always at the forefront of the technological curve.
  • Customized Learning Pathways: I design tailored mentorship programs that align with the individual needs and goals of each leader, ensuring a personalized growth experience.
  • Leadership Skill Development: Beyond technical skills, I focus on cultivating essential leadership qualities such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and effective communication.
  • Emotional and Cultural Intelligence: I stress the importance of emotional intelligence and cultural awareness, essential for managing diverse teams and creating inclusive work environments.
  • Hands-On Experience with Real-World Challenges: My approach includes practical, hands-on experiences where leaders can apply their skills to real-world scenarios, enhancing their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.
  • Networking and Community Engagement: I facilitate opportunities for leaders to network with peers and experts in the field, fostering a community of continuous learning and collaboration.
  • Focus on Innovation and Creativity: I encourage leaders to think creatively and embrace innovation, helping them to drive forward-thinking strategies within their organizations.
  • Work-Life Balance and Holistic Development: Reflecting our belief in the importance of a well-rounded life, I include guidance on achieving a healthy work-life balance and pursuing personal interests and passions.
  • Ongoing Support and Feedback: My mentorship includes continuous support and feedback, ensuring leaders have the guidance they need to grow and evolve over time.

Let's start now

Book a 1h conversation and get a free assessment!

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Benefits & Results

  • Enhanced Technical Expertise: The team's technical skills are significantly improved, keeping them abreast with the latest technologies and practices.
  • Strategic Alignment: The organization uses technology as a lever for business growth, ensuring that IT investments directly contribute to achieving business objectives.
  • Increased Innovation: Upskilling and upscaling foster an environment of continuous learning and innovation.
  • Improved Productivity and Efficiency: Faster project turnaround times, improved quality of work, and a reduction in errors or delays, enhance overall productivity.
  • Agility and Flexibility: Whether it’s adapting to new market demands, regulatory changes, or technological shifts, an upskilled team is better prepared to respond quickly and effectively.
  • Risk Mitigation: In areas like cybersecurity and compliance, it proactively addresses potential risks and ensures that the organization's technology infrastructure is secure and compliant with relevant regulations.
  • Attracting and Retaining Talent: Employees feel valued and see opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Cultural Transformation: Fosters a culture of excellence, learning, and innovation, which is crucial for long-term success in a rapidly changing business environment.

Let's start now

Book a 1h conversation and get a free assessment!

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